Hello, my name is Ashley. I have created this website to share information about me and my business. I am technical and find making things fun, so why not turn it into a business. I started making websites when I was still in school around 2010; I then studied Games programming At University, graduated in 2016.
I found myself making websites again; with advanced programming knowledge, i found myself experimenting with projects way over my head. I scaled down my goals to make them more manageable. Now I make websites for small businesses.
I build my websites to your satisfaction, i will require communication during the development to get the best results. I also have to make sure the website runs on all platforms (IOS usually), double-check security threats and make sure google finds your website; these are time-consuming tasks, please be patient.
There are some steps you can take to speed up development:
Knowing exactly why you need a website so i can design around that point.
Brainstorm your goals and achievements will help you come up with content to put on your website.
Any logos drawing or colour themes can be helpful when designing your website.
What did he just say?
Here is a list of technical terms, a nerd dictionary.
Domain Name, URL, Address.
what you type in to navigate to your websiet:
A client is somone who connects to the server or website, a viewer or customer
A server serves files, like when you open a document on your pc, a server opens files and sends the contents to the clients computer.
Web Server or any Specific Server
Refering to the software running on the server, Allows the server to Serve, manages connections and what files to serve each client.
Usualy a company that manages your website or server. It hosts your files(stores them ready), and provides actual hardware needed to host the server.
SSL Sertificate, HTTPS
Used to encrypt traffic betwean the server and client. It is also used to validate ane make sure your website is legit.
(Graphical) User interface, how you interact with the website, buttons and stuff
User experience, All about how the UI interacts with you, making things less anying
Im purposefully trying to bamboozle you, just ignore me.